Learning Journal

Wednesday, March 02, 2005


Learning Journal 19

Amid differing tales of failing / passing the first observation of the second semester, I have planned a Magnum Opus of a teaching session.
Well, by this I mean that my plan is extraordinarily good – for myself, you must understand – and it fills me with an odd sort of pride, perhaps Homepride, when I look at it. Hurrah!
The only thing I am worried about is whether the lesson itself will be passable. Are there enough teaching methods? Will the differentiation pull off? Am I touching on those strange skills criteria that don’t appear to make sense?
The lesson was almost entirely planned last Friday, so at least I started early and have had time to think it through while making adjustments. Now there is a quick quiz involving Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, which will be sure to rock everybody’s world.
Otherwise, I am making headway on my Curriculum Development work, having found an enormous amount of articles and webpages and even a few textbooks. I wonder what I will be doing over easter?

Thank you for sharing your journal Tom. Could you try to extend your writing to address the questions you pose for yourself? How have you developed your planning? What efforts have you made to differentiate through method, content and approach? How are you addressing the development of both key skills and subject specific skills? Why did you choose the actors for inclusion in your session? What was your thinking here? What action points have you identified following this (successful) observation? You are making use of question setting but also need to show how you are moving forward in addressing these concerns/issues/interests.
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